Artificial Intelligence
Hello everybody, my name is K. Deepak chary today’s topic of my article is Artificial Intelligence.
In this article we are going to learn:
What is Artificial intelligence
Applications of Artificial intelligence
Types of Artificial intelligence
Programming languages use for Artificial intelligence
Advantages of Artificial intelligence
Disadvantages of Artificial intelligence
Is there any problem to humans with Artificial intelligence
First of all, we need to understand what is artificial intelligence
Artifical Intelligence: Ability of a robot or computer to do tasks which are done by humans.
John McCarthy first coined the term AI in 1956.
Applications of AI:
A popular application of AI is in present days is Google, Google Assistant, Google maps, etc.
There are 3 types of AI; i)Artificial narrow intelligence ii)Artificial general intelligence iii)Artificial superintelligence.
Artificial narrow intelligence:
Artificial narrow intelligence also called weak AI. Weak AI involves applying only to specific tasks for example; Alexa, Google Assistant.
Artificial general intelligence:
Artificial General AI is also known as Strong AI . strong AI involves machines that possess the ability to perform any intellectual task that human beings can do.
Artificial superintelligence:
Artificial superintelligence is a term that refers to when the capability of computers will surpass humans.
Programming languages for AI:
Python, R, Java & C++ are common languages used by many programmers to program AI . Among all of the python is the more popularly used program.
Now we will learn the Advantages and Disadvantages of AI.
Advantages of AI:
Artificial intelligence helps in error reduction done by humans.
Take risks instead of humans.
It can work 24 *7 it doesn’t need any rest.
Faster decision making
It can create new inventions.
Disadvantages of Artificial intelligence:
AI is more expensive.
AI makes human lazy because work which should be done by humans AI is doing.
The unemployment rate will increase. because work should be done by some labor or workers AI will do this increases unemployment in the country.
AI doesn’t have any emotions.
So by this, we can understand Artificial intelligence have some Advantages and some disadvantages. For example, for every coin, there is two sides one head and tails similarly AI also one side Advantages other side Disadvantages.
Is there any threat to humans by AI:
By seeing the advantages and disadvantages of AI you may get a question using AI is safe or not so, some scientists said that it is not safe for us some said it is absolutely safe.
An English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said that AI is a threat to humans if humans invent Artificial superintelligence robots because they do war on us we can't defeat them.
AI has a very very high IQ than humans. But we don't know how to defeat AI when do war against us then only we should invent artificial superintelligence robots.
AI is a type of weapon if we use it for good things it will be safe but if we use it for bad things like destroying then it will be bad for us only so, it depends on us how we use AI
Thank you for reading this article
By K.Deepak chary
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